Stupid Boys Club

So here we are in season two - who'd have thought three twats like us could actually get our shit together long enough to create something that has SEASONS?!
After all our excellent self-therapizing in Season ONE, we finally feel ready to start imparting our new found zen, knowledge, grown-up attitude or whatever you want to call it to you, our lovely audience who, by following us through season one, have clearly demonstrated the requirement for some life guidance from some professional, upstanding adults.
Join us as we tick off all the various things you need to 'get' to function as an adult in our lovely society, from dating to crime (pretty much the same thing judging by Toby's record) - we've got the lowdown on how to adult like a mother-fucker.
This weekly podcast features three long-time friends (Jonesy, Alex & Toby), 3 "grown-ups" who haven't quite yet figured out how to be adults. Join each week as we discover the art of adulting and 'therapize' times when we really could have done a better job, like childhood embarrassments, teenage cock-ups and adult faux pars.
We started this podcast two nights prior to Jonesy bringing a puppy into his life and home that he shares, non-romantically, with Toby. Join Alex & Toby as they uncover the incredible amount of preparation that Jonesy has taken in the last 6 months (the puppy is only 8 weeks old...) and see how well his OCD and spreadsheet-led approach to 'parenthood' really works.
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Alex is a marketer, DJ, pirate radio show host and all-round happy chap. Festivals, travelling and cooking are top of his 'fun list', but Fortnite, starting fires and playing in the forest are also key features of his existence.
Jonesy is a club promoter and lectures (higher education) on the subject of event management. He loves lists, spread sheets, drag queens and raving. Also a big fan of takeaways and a nice selection of dips.
Toby is a DJ, radio show host and occassional lecturer (DJing, video editing). House music and clubbing are his go-to entertainment, but he also finds it hard to resist a Minecraft raid and a bag of crisps (on equal footing...)
plus anything else you might like to know about, like events, merchandise, listener opportunities etc.
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